501st Legion

501st Legion

The 501st Legion is a costuming group for people all across the globe who enjoy recreating the costumes of the Star Wars bad guys. Our focus is to Promote Star Wars, facilitate the Use of Costumes and to Contribute to the Society through Charity Work. The 501st Legion are present on all continents of the world.

In the Nordic Countries we have Garrisons in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In Iceland we also have an Outpost.


Units in the Area

Danish Garrison

Danish Garrison

Danish Garrison was formed 2017 after being part of Nordic Garrison since 2001.

Visit the homepage of the Danish Garrison


Finnish Garrison

Finnish Garrison

Finnish Garrison was formed 2022 after being part of Nordic Garrison since 2001.

Visit the homepage of the Finnish Garrison


Icelandic Outpost

Icelandic Outpost

Icelandic Outpost was formed 2002.

Visit the homepage of the Icelandic Outpost


Norwegian Garrison

Norweigan Garrison

Norweigan Garrison was formed 2022 after being part of Nordic Garrison since 2001.

Visit the homepage of the Norweigan Garrison


Swedish Garrison

Swedish Garrison

Swedish Garrison was formed early 2022 after being part of Nordic Garrison since 2001.

Visit the homepage of the Swedish Garrison


Our Mission

To Promote Interest in Star Wars
While a growing number of people are experiencing a reawakening of their Star Wars fandom, new generations are seeking ways to celebrate their passion for George Lucas’s modern mythology. The 501st Legion brings these fans together, reinforcing the enduring longevity of the Star Wars saga.

To Facilitate the Use of Costumes
Some fans are content to collect action figures…other fans want to be action figures. Nothing professes your passion quite like building your own detailed costume replica of a classic Star Wars villain, and there’s nothing quite like the feeling that comes from bringing the characters of Star Wars into the real world and sharing the magic with others.

To Contribute
While our organization was founded to simply provide a collective identity for costuming fans with similar interests, the 501st is proud to put its resources to good use through fundraising, charity work, and volunteering. Read more about our charity work here.

Unit Map

Click the map to find your local 501st unit.

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