Gaht Cabur: Join us
Mando Mercs Costume Club membership is based on a “Tiered” system, with multiple options that cater to your desired level of benefits within the global organization.
Forum Members (Tier 0)
Normal guests and forum members don’t have to help at all if they don’t feel like it. You can come here, enjoy our rich resource library of costuming advice, and never pay a single cent towards the club. You can freely access all of our build areas so you can work towards Official Membership in the club (also completely free). Forum Members are subject to 2 small advertisement banners embedded within MMCC’s official forum, which helps earn a few cents to offset the cost of maintaining our website and forum.
Community Supporting Members (Tier 1)
If you want to contribute a little towards helping sustain our community and organization, ‘Supporting Member’ level might be right for you. For just $5.00, you can help MMCC continue it’s mission of uniting Mandalorian fans around the world. You’ll gain access to areas of the official MMCC Forums, where you can enjoy more of the global community of Mandalorian Mercs. You’ll be able to enjoy our social lounge and be able to join some of the ‘Social Society’ interest groups. You’ll also receive open access to our library of Pepakura armor patterns for popular costumes such as the Neo-Crusader, Death Watch, and armor upgrade packs in our website’s store. You MUST have an active account on the official MMCC forums to become a ‘Supporting Member’.
Auxiliary Members (Tier 2)
Auxiliary Memberships are annual, renewable membership subscriptions. Auxiliary Members are recognized as non-costumed members of the club with a high level of commitment to MMCC’s mission. This is a great way for parents, siblings, spouses, or friends to enjoy the Mandalorian Mercs community and also attend exclusive events. Auxiliaries also gain access to special perks; such as Mercs official room-block access for large conventions, ability to purchase reduced price tickets to our members-only events, and special merchandise throughout the year. Additionally, Auxiliary Members also get access to everything available to ‘Supporting Member’ level members. The cost is just $15.00, annually. You MUST have an active account on the official MMCC forums to become an ‘Auxiliary Member’.
Learn About Becoming an Auxiliary Member Here
Official Members (Tier 3)
Official Members are the cornerstone of MMCC; fully embracing our mission and traditions through the creation and wearing of Mandalorian Armor costumes. Official Members have earned the rights, responsibilities, and privileges earned by passing MMCC’s Official Membership approval process. Official Members have complete access to the official MMCC forums, special armor patterns, invitation to special events, access to special merchandise, etc. Official Membership is completely free, with no monetary membership dues required. However there are requirements to becoming an Official Member:
- You must be 18 years of age.
- You must own a Mandalorian armor costume.
- You must pass MMCC’s Official Membership Approval process.
- You must troop a minimum of 1 event per-year.
- You must have an active account on the official MMCC forums.