Reel Icons: Our vison and mission
Reel Icons was formed in 2004 in the United Kingdom and the Nordic branch was launched in 2015 as a home for non-Star Wars related costumes and robots from film, TV, game, comics and theatre.
We are a fan based non-profit organization of people with great looking, screen accurate costumes and robots that likes to dress up and do good! Reel Icons consists of well known characters from many different universes and span all ages.
Reel Icons often cooperates with its Star Wars counterparts, The 501st Legion, Rebel Legion and R2 Builders Club, to collect money for a variety of charity organizations. We dress up in our costumes or operate our robots and appear at conventions, exhibitions, children’s hospitals, birthday parties, company events and more to show our love for the characters, games, films and TV-shows.
Rather than profiting from our appearances, the money we collect is donated to charity. Generally we lean towards children’s charities but this is in no way fixed. As long as the cause is worthy, we are willing to give it our support!
If you are interested in having us attend an event then please contact us.